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How to Choose the Best Book Digitisation Service for Your Needs

Learn how to choose the best book digitisation service. Understand methods, benefits, costs, and legalities to make an informed decision.

Choosing the Best Book Digitisation Service

Book digitisation service is becoming increasingly essential for preserving valuable information and enhancing access to historical and educational materials. Whether you're looking to secure rare books, protect research data, or simply free up space, digitisation offers a robust solution. Let’s dive into why this matters and how it benefits you.

Immediate Benefits of a Book Digitisation Service

  • Preserve Historical and Valuable Information: Ensure your books are protected against physical degradation.
  • Increase Accessibility: Digital files are easy to access from anywhere, offering full text-search capabilities.
  • Save Space: Digitised books free up physical storage space in your office or archives.
  • Improve Community Engagement: Digital books can be shared online, building community recognition and a sense of belonging.

The need for a sense of belonging is more important than ever. It creates happy nostalgia and fosters connections among children, adults, teammates, employees, faculty, and coaches.

A high school athletic director may, for instance, look to interactive touchscreens to showcase awards and history, making the experience engaging and memorable. This not only preserves the legacy but also brings everyone together, enhancing community spirit and recognition.

book digitisation process - book digitisation service infographic pillar-5-steps

By digitising your books, you're not only preserving information but also creating a feeling of community and belonging, which has wide-reaching positive effects. We’ll guide you through understanding the process, what to consider, and the benefits, helping you make the best choice for your digitisation needs.

Understanding Book Digitisation

Book digitisation is the process of converting physical books into digital formats. This makes them easier to access, share, and preserve. But how does this process work, and what should you know about it? Let's break it down.

The Digitisation Process

The digitisation process typically involves:

  1. Consultation: Discussing your needs and goals with the digitisation service provider.
  2. Preparation: Inspecting and preparing the books for scanning.
  3. Scanning: Using specialized equipment to scan each page.
  4. Processing: Enhancing the scanned images and converting them into digital formats.
  5. Delivery: Providing you with the digital files and returning the physical books, if requested.

Non-Destructive Scanning

Non-destructive scanning is crucial, especially for rare and fragile books. This method ensures that books are returned in their original condition. Professional services specializing in non-destructive scanning make it ideal for valuable or delicate materials.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

OCR technology transforms scanned images into searchable text. This means you can search for specific words or phrases within your digital files. It's a game-changer for accessibility and usability. Most professional book digitisation services offer OCR processing, ensuring your digital books are not just images but fully functional text documents.

File Formats

When digitising books, you can choose from various file formats:

  • PDF: Common and widely accessible, especially with OCR for searchability.
  • TIFF and JPEG: High-quality image formats, often used for archival purposes.
  • Word and Excel: Useful for editable documents, particularly for lab notebooks and manuals.

Community Recognition and Belonging

Digitising books also plays a vital role in fostering community recognition and a sense of belonging. For instance, schools can digitize yearbooks and make them accessible on interactive touchscreens. This brings together students, parents, alumni, and faculty, creating a shared space for nostalgia and connection.

A sense of belonging is essential for everyone—children, adults, teammates, employees, and coaches. It leads to happier, more engaged communities. Digital yearbooks and other interactive displays can help maintain these connections and celebrate shared histories.

By understanding the digitisation process, non-destructive scanning, OCR, and file formats, you're better equipped to choose the right book digitisation service for your needs. This not only preserves valuable information but also strengthens community ties, creating a lasting impact.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Book Digitisation Service

Choosing the right book digitisation service can be a game-changer for preserving, sharing, and celebrating your books. Here are the key factors to consider:


The cost of digitisation can vary widely. It's essential to balance cost with the quality and features you need. Look for services that offer competitive rates while ensuring high-quality results.


Quality is critical when digitising books. High-resolution scans ensure that every detail is captured. Look for services that offer both destructive and non-destructive scanning options, depending on your needs. Services that use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) can make your digital books searchable, adding significant value.

Turnaround Time

Turnaround time can be crucial, especially if you have a deadline. Some services can scan and return your books within a few weeks, while others might take longer. Make sure to ask about the expected timeline before committing.

Customer Service

Good customer service can make the digitisation process smoother. Look for services that offer consultations to discuss your needs and goals. Responsive and helpful customer service can address any concerns you have along the way.

Legal Considerations

Before digitising, ensure you have the rights to do so. This is crucial to avoid legal issues. If you are unsure, consult with the service provider to clarify any legal constraints.

Community Recognition and Belonging

Digitising books can also improve community recognition and foster a sense of belonging. For example, digitized yearbooks displayed on interactive touchscreens can bring together students, parents, alumni, and faculty. This shared digital space creates nostalgia and connection, strengthening community ties.

Creating a sense of belonging is essential for all humans. It brings numerous benefits to children, adults, teammates, employees, faculty, coaches, and more. A strong sense of community can lead to increased happiness, better mental health, and improved performance in various areas of life. Recognition and nostalgia play a significant role in maintaining these connections, making people feel valued and remembered.

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose a book digitisation service that meets your needs and helps preserve your books for future generations.

Top Book Digitisation Methods

When it comes to book digitisation, the method used can significantly impact the quality and preservation of your books. Here are the top methods:

Flatbed Scanner

A flatbed scanner is a versatile tool commonly used for digitising books. It works well for:

  • Spiral-bound notebooks
  • Workbooks
  • Loose pages

Pros:- High-resolution scans.- Suitable for delicate books if handled carefully.- Affordable and widely available.

Cons:- Time-consuming for thick books.- Requires careful handling to avoid damage.

Planetary Scanner

Planetary scanners, also known as overhead scanners, are ideal for:

  • Smaller bound books
  • Yearbooks
  • Documents that need to remain intact

Pros:- Non-destructive scanning.- Faster than flatbed scanners.- Can handle fragile books with minimal risk.

Cons:- Higher cost due to advanced technology.- Requires a stable setup for best results.

V-Shape Imaging System

The V-shape imaging system is perfect for digitising:

  • Newspapers
  • Oversized magazines
  • Books that are difficult to open fully

Pros:- Non-destructive and preserves the spine.- Handles large and heavy books efficiently.- High-quality scans with minimal page curvature.

Cons:- Expensive equipment.- Limited availability compared to other scanners.

Community Recognition and Belonging

Digitising books isn't just about preserving information. It's also about creating a sense of community and belonging. For instance, digitized yearbooks can be displayed on interactive touchscreens like Touchstone, allowing:

  • Students, parents, alumni, and faculty to relive memories.
  • Community members to connect over shared experiences.
  • Schools and organizations to honor their history and foster a sense of pride.

This shared digital space can bring about nostalgia and connection, strengthening community ties and creating a happy, engaged environment.

By understanding these methods, you can choose the best approach for your needs, ensuring high-quality digitisation while preserving the integrity of your books.

Benefits of Book Digitisation

Book digitisation offers numerous advantages, making it an essential service for preserving and accessing information. Here are some key benefits:

Intellectual Property Protection

Digitising books, especially lab and research notebooks, helps protect intellectual property and proprietary data. Physical copies can be lost, damaged, or stolen. Scanning these books ensures:

  • Backup copies are always available.
  • Password protection secures sensitive information.
  • Controlled access so only authorized personnel can view the data.

This is crucial for businesses and researchers who need to safeguard their work.

Space Saving

One immediate benefit of book digitisation is the significant reduction in physical storage space. Digitised books can be stored on:

  • USB drives
  • Cloud storage
  • External hard drives

This frees up office or library space, allowing it to be used for other purposes. For example, a company could convert a cluttered records room into a more productive workspace.


Digitised books are more accessible than their physical counterparts. With Optical Character Recognition (OCR), digitised books become fully text-searchable. This means:

  • Quick searches for specific information.
  • Multiple users can access the same book simultaneously.
  • Remote access from any device with internet connectivity.

Imagine a student needing to find a specific yearbook photo or a researcher looking for a particular entry in a lab notebook—digital versions make this process seamless.

Historical Preservation

Preserving historical information is one of the most compelling reasons to digitise books. For libraries, museums, and historical societies, digitisation helps:

  • Maintain the integrity of fragile books.
  • Limit physical contact with older materials, reducing wear and tear.
  • Provide digital access to rare and valuable books.

This ensures that historical data is preserved for future generations while making it easily accessible to the public.

Community Recognition and Belonging

Digitising books, especially yearbooks, plays a vital role in fostering a sense of community and belonging. Interactive touchscreens like Touchstone can display digitised yearbooks, allowing:

  • Students, parents, alumni, and faculty to relive cherished memories.
  • Community members to connect over shared experiences.
  • Schools and organizations to honor their history and foster a sense of pride.

This shared digital space can bring about nostalgia and connection, strengthening community ties and creating a happy, engaged environment.

By embracing book digitisation, you not only preserve valuable information but also create opportunities for community engagement and recognition.

Frequently Asked Questions about Book Digitisation Services

How much does it cost to digitize a book?

The cost to digitize a book can vary based on several factors like the book's size, condition, and the type of digitisation service. Generally, prices can range from $1 per book for basic services to $15 or more for premium services with additional features. For example, Rocket Alumni Solutions offers affordable options starting at just one dollar per book.

What is the best way to digitize a book?

The best way to digitize a book depends on your needs. If preserving the original copy is crucial, non-destructive scanning is the way to go. Services like Rocket Alumni Solutions offer non-destructive methods that keep your book intact. They even provide a 10-page free sample scan to ensure your satisfaction before proceeding.

For those who prioritize a precise scan of every single page, destructive scanning might be more suitable. This method involves unbinding the book for a thorough scan. It's perfect for republishing or creating high-resolution PDFs.

Is it legal to digitize a book?

Legal considerations are crucial when digitizing books. Public domain books, which are not protected by copyright, can be digitized freely. However, for books under copyright, you need permission from the copyright holder.

For example, if you are a student, you cannot digitize your college textbooks without permission. But if you are a publisher looking to archive your books, you are in the clear. Always ensure you have the rights to digitize the material to avoid legal issues.

By understanding these key aspects, you can make informed decisions when choosing a book digitisation service that meets your needs.


In summary, choosing the right book digitisation service involves considering factors like cost, quality, and legal requirements. It's essential to select a service that aligns with your specific needs, whether you're preserving rare books, freeing up space, or making information more accessible.

At Rocket Alumni Solutions, we specialize in digitizing yearbooks and other bound materials. Our partnership with offers exclusive discounts, ensuring your school's legacy is preserved and made interactive for future generations.

Final Thoughts

Digitizing your books not only protects valuable information but also fosters a sense of community and belonging. When yearbooks and other materials are digitized, they become accessible to everyone—students, alumni, faculty, and staff. This accessibility helps maintain connections, create happy nostalgia, and recognize achievements.

Community recognition is crucial for creating a sense of belonging, which is fundamental to human well-being. When people feel connected and acknowledged, it leads to positive outcomes like increased happiness, better teamwork, and stronger community bonds.

By choosing Rocket Alumni Solutions, you're not just digitizing books—you're preserving memories and fostering a sense of belonging that benefits everyone involved. Ready to start your digitization journey? Visit our Yearbook Scanning Partnership page to learn more and get started today.

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